Workshop for boys

Challenging Stereotypes

Empowering our youth to find their voice and live courageously

Our workshops provide young people the chance to challenge stereotypes, change culture and take responsibility for their impact on each other and the world.

We focus on practical and solution-oriented skills they can use to improve the way they treat themselves, each other and the people they care about.

Our vision is that young people across WA are equipped with the ability to find their voice and be courageous during life’s most challenging moments.

For Boys

Challenging Stereotypes Workshop


We know that men who agree with the traditional stereotypes have a higher rate of suicide, risk taking behaviour and acts of violence. However it isn’t all bad, and it doesn’t all need to be thrown out.

Being loyal, strong and working hard are admirable traits.

Building on young men’s strengths, rather than deficits, in this workshop we collectively determine what parts of the stereotype we should keep and what we should set aside, so we can better support ourselves as well as our mates.


Duration & cost

Workshop DurationCost
2 hours$1,200 +GST, plus travel costs, per workshop.
(Subsidies may be available for workshop costs)

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Decorative rainbow element

Meet our facilitators

Our facilitators are have several years of practical experience delivering engaging workshops to young people. They are dedicated to our mission.

Mel O’Neil-King


Rhett Corker


Support and education is vital.
Early intervention is our best option for suicide prevention.

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